Our Collective Work

Homeless Heroes Aid is proud to have like-minded organizations and individuals working with us to help us deliver our objective of empowering homeless Veterans.

Homeless Heroes Aid provides immediate, practical support to all Veterans who have served in the Armed Forces and are either homeless or facing homelessness. Homelessness is considered to be one of life’s major crises and Homeless Heroes Aid distinguishes our reach from other charities by ensuring that immediate, effective and transparent intervention is provided to vulnerable ex-servicemen and women. Our goal is that no money is spent on replicating what already exists elsewhere and can be accessed easier elsewhere.

Collaborative efforts

Direct service delivery through local charities.

Charities helping veterans in crisis


Stoll is a leading Veterans’ charity and Housing Association that has been helping ex-Service personnel since 1916. Stoll provides safe, high quality housing and access to services that enable vulnerable and disabled Veterans in need of support to live fulfilling, independent lives.

Combat Stress  

Combat Stress is the UK's leading Veterans' mental health charity.

Mental ill-health affects ex-Service men and women of all ages. Right now, Combat Stress is supporting over 5,900 Veterans aged from 19 to 97 and is a vital lifeline for these men and women and their families.


Addaction support adults, children, young adults and older people to make positive behavioral changes. Whether that's with alcohol, drugs, or mental health and wellbeing, Addaction is here to help people improve their lives in ways they never thought possible.

Our Collective objectives are:

  1. Improving the mental health practices suitable to Veterans.
  2. Investing in research and treatment of mental illness affecting Veterans and addressing the homelessness crisis amongst Veterans;
  3. Ensuring adequate funding of mental health services across the UK through petitions; and
  4. Facilitating an end to any social stigma attached to mental ill health and discrimination experienced Veterans.


Send Us a Message

You do not need to have served in combat to access any of our services. Whoever you are, if you have trouble sleeping, get flashbacks, feel depressed, or even just feel that something's not quite right, we are here to help.